Thursday, August 8, 2013

Whenever I start getting sad about where I am in my life, I think about the last words of my favorite

  • , Punt Land show patience against Hasan Shikhs's Goverment (Dam Jadiid Group) for the Somali government has no control over Mugadisho, they hide behind behind the African soldiers who defend them! While Dr. Faroole is president of the eight regions, Faroole and Punt Land created their own military forces, they do not need African troops, Punt Land ´s leadership based on the people of Punt Land promotes peace, social development and tryng re-create what is called the Great Somlia, while Hasan Shikh's government is based of clan, tribe, nepotism, they live in a fantasy world, they do not have control over Mugadisho, they prefer to place their clan members as ambassadors of Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djabouti, Eriteria, Dubia, Suadia etc. Punt Land must have real power sharing in the parliament, in the government-

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