Saturday, December 7, 2024

What is federalism?


﷽✍ What is federalism?

Many Countries Adopt Federalism To Manage Ethnic Diversity Within Their Borders And Help Promote Unity. There Are 25 Federal Countries Globally, Representing 40% Of the World’s Population Today, 5 Of Them Are On The African Continent.

There are several types of federalism, including: 

★ ★ Balance federalism:- A type of federalism.

★ ★ Unitary federalism:- A type of federalism 

★ ★ Segmented federalism:- A type of federalism 

★ ★ Accommodation federalism:- A type of federalism 

★ ★Cooperative federalism:-

 A model of federalism where the federal and state governments work together to create and administer public policy 

★ ★ Holding together federation:-A type of federalism 

where the central government has more power than the states.

This federalism In Africa Is A five African Countries Ethiopia 🇪🇹, Nigeria 🇳🇬, Somalia 🇸🇴, South Africa 🇿🇦, And South Sudan These Five States Adopted A Federal Order Considering Identity (Ethnicity/Race/Clan/Religion), To A Varying Extent, In Redrawing Internal Boundaries, They Attempted To Manage Ethnic Conflict By Allowing Territorial Groups To Exercise Some Degree Of Self-Rule. 

These African States Face Problems Of Territorial Governance, Such aAs Territories Contested Among Ethnonationalities, Self-Rule Demands, And Disagreement On State Structure AndTerritorial Distribution Of Powers, These States Adopted A Divergent Approach To Handling Territorial Politics Under Conditions Of Ethnic Diversity, Territorial Politics Refers To The Relationship Between Geographical Centers And Peripheries And The Horizontal And Vertical Interface Of Spatially Circumscribed Sites Of Political Authority.

Nigeria 🇳🇬, Ethiopia 🇪🇹, And South Africa 🇿🇦 

Are Matured Federations, Somalia 🇸🇴  And South Sudan 🇸🇸 

 Are Evolving Federations Essential To Illuminating The Politics Of Federalism In Post-Conflict Settings.

✿ Nigeria 🇳🇬

Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government. Federalism in Nigeria can be traced to Sir Frederick Lord Lugard, when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated in 1914.

✿ Ethiopia 🇪🇹

Meles Zenawi and his government adopted ethnic federalism with the aim of establishing the equality of all ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Features of ethnic federalism have been displayed also in other countries, including Nepal, Pakistan, South Sudan, Yugoslavia, and Apartheid-era South Africa.

✿ South Africa 🇿🇦

A contingency model for constitutional development in South Africa is presented. Federalism is superior to unitarism in resolving South Africa's constitutional dilemma. However, neither federation nor confederation are considered appropriate. A third form of federalism is developed from the model which is termed “cofederation”.

 It combines characteristics of both federation and confederation in a hybrid interstate‐intrastate dispensation.

✿ Somalia 🇸🇴 

Dual Federalism - It provided for a clear division of power between the federal and state governments, as described earlier. Two Supreme Court

✿ South Sudan 🇸🇸 

This article spotlights existing debates under the on-going constitutional design process on the type of federalism South Sudan should adopt. 

It is a debate with varying and potentially divisive perspectives. 

Dominant proposals in these debates are territorial and ethnic federalism.

 Somalia Also Is Different From 4 Other Africa Countries Because It Is A Country With One Ethnic, One Language, One Religion, But Has Divided Politics Of Tribalism And Somalia Adopted Federalism In 2004.

Also Ethiopia Adopted Federalism In 1991 When The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) A Coalition Of Four Major Parties Came To Power Between 1991 And 2019 The EPRDF Tightly Controlled Regional Governments, It Suppressed Any Demands For Self-Rule. The Coming To Power Of Abiy Ahmed In 2018 Helped Open Up The Political Space And Today Are 12 regions In The Country And Also Ethiopia It Celebrates Today 7, December 2024 The 19th Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities And Peoples Day in Arbaminc city.

However, These African Countries That Have Adopted The Federalism System.

 Two Of Them Are In The Horn of Africa Somalia, And Ethiopia But Different Federalism.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

BREAKINGNEWS: Muqdishu Plans to Target Shipping Lines Operating at Berbera Port


   ﷽  ✍  #BREAKINGNEWS: Muqdishu Plans to Target Shipping Lines Operating at Berbera Port. 

Sources close to the Somalian Port Authority have revealed that a list of actions has been prepared against shipping lines operating at Berbera Port, including major players such as CMA CGM GmbH, Maersk Line, and MSC. These measures would force the shipping lines to pay port charges, mooring services, and anchorage fees into accounts controlled by Muqdishu’s Port Authority in the UAE. Any shipping line that refuses to comply with these demands will be accused of violating Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, with the threat of being barred from accessing Berbera. Notably, Egypt, which controls the Suez Canal—a vital passage for ships bound for Berbera—is reportedly collaborating closely with Muqdishu in this effort.

In addition to these financial pressures, Muqdishu is reportedly working with foreign countries to establish communication satellite services, including Inmarsat and Navtex, to monitor all ships entering or leaving Berbera. The Somalian Port Authority has even threatened to blockade Berbera Port entirely and prevent any ships from docking there if Somaliland proceeds with formalizing its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ethiopia.

Over the past few days, the Muqdishu regime has escalated its campaign by issuing directives to Carriers and financial institutions operating in Somaliland, ordering them to remove any mention of Somaliland from their websites and platforms. The regime has also pressured EU countries supporting the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) to reroute their aid through Muqdishu instead of providing it directly to Somaliland.

Muqdishu administration is aggressively targeting Somaliland through a series of calculated steps aimed at undermining its sovereignty and economic stability.

Despite these clear and aggressive actions by the Muqdishu administration, the Somaliland government under Muuse Biihi has shown a troubling lack of response. There have been no strategic steps or countermeasures prepared by the Somaliland administration to address or mitigate these threats, raising concerns about the effectiveness and resolve of Biihi’s leadership in defending Somaliland's interests.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Itoobiya Ku Jirta Xuduudahaaga


#Itoobiya Ku Jirta Xuduudahaaga

Wararka laga helayo wada-hadallada qarsoodiga ah ee u dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya oo ay garwadeen ka tahay Kenya iyo dhinacyo kale, ayaa muujinaya in Soomaaliya ay diyaar u tahay inay heshiis is afgarad ah la gasho Itoobiya.  Tani waxay u ogolaanaysaa Itoobiya inay ku hesho dekedaha Soomaaliya qiimo dhimis lagu sameeyo kastamka/canshuurta, waxayna ku xidhan tahay Itoobiya inay ka baxdo heshiiskii ay la gashay gooni-goosadka waqooyiga Soomaaliya, kana tanaasusho fikradda ah inay hesho saldhig ciidan❗️

Su’aasha is weydiinta mudan ayaa ah hadda dowladda Soomaaliya ma ku adkeysan doontaa in Itoobiya ay raali gelin rasmi ah ka bixiso xadgudubka ay ku sameysay madax banaanida Soomaaliya mise waxay sii wadi doontaa saxiixa heshiis cusub oo u ogolaanaya Itoobiya in ay dekedaha Soomaaliya uga faa’ideysato arrimo ganacsi‼️

#Waqtiga sheegi doonaa !