Sunday, June 1, 2014

Conference on business opportunities in Somalia, 10-11 June DRAFT AGENDA


Somaliland, Puntland & Jubba oo lagu casuumay shir lagu karaamo tirayo DF laguna xaqiray Muqdisho
Magaalada Stockholm ee waddanka Sweden, ayaa waxaa ka dhacaya shir looga hadlayo qeybo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya looga hirgelin lahaa mashaariic dhinaca hormarinta ah, iyadoo shirkan oo ay soo qabanqaabisay dowladda Sweden uu qeyb ka yahay natiijadii ka soo baxday shirkii Bruxell ee Hiigsashada cusub (New deal) oo lacagihii Soomaaliya loogu deeqay loo jeexay qorshe cusub oo lagaga maarmayo in lacagahaasi kaash ahaan loo siiyo madaxda Soomaalida.
Taas beddelkeedana waxaa dalal badan ay hadda billaabeen in waddan walba lacagta uu ugu deeqay Soomaaliya ku maalgeliyo shirkaddo dalkiisa ka dhisan si ganacsatada & shirkadaha waddankaas ey u qaataan qandaraasyadda Soomaaliya laga hirgalinayo, waxaana leysku xirayaa Ganacsatada Sweden iyo kuwa Soomaaliya si ay uga wada shaqeeyaan mashaariic horumarineed.
Iyadoo aan lagu wargelin dowladda dhexe ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa shaqsiyaad ka socda maamulada Somaliland, Puntland & Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba, loo qeybiyey shaqsiyaad kaga soo qeybgalaya shir Sweden lagu qabanayo.
Waxa ay tani mar kale caddeyn u tahay sida caalamka uu uga shaqeynayo kala qeybinta Somalia, ayada oo dowladda federaalka iyo maamul beeleedyada dalka ka jira si isla mid ah loola macaamilayo, taasi oo sharaf dhac ku ah DF.
Jubbooyinka: Waxaa kaga qeybgalaya 2 Ganacsato oo beesha Ogaadeen ey soo dirsadeen & Wasiirka madaxtooyada C/qani oo Majeerteen ah.
Puntland waxay soo dirsatay Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Ganacsato, balse sheekada waxaa loo badalay in niman kale oo ganacsato ah oo ku nool Sweden inay hogaamiyaan shirka dhamaantoodna ka soo jeeda Puntland iyadoo lagu darayo kuwa ka imaanaya Puntland.
Somaliland: Ganacsatadooda iyo Wasiiro ayeey soo dirsatay.
Muqdisho: Waxaa ka imaanaya wefdi ka kooban hal wasiir, waxaana la hor istaagay in ay shirka yimaadaan shirkadaha waaweyn ee ka jira magaalada Muqdisho.
Beesha Kablalax ee Sweden joogta waxaa shirka ka qeybgalaya Bashiir Amaan, Axmed Salantuna, Cabdi yare Salaad, Burhaan Oreboro, Cabdinaasir iyo 12 nin oo uu ka keensaday Africa waxuu coonayey in Visa laga iibiyo safiirka Horn African Bernald Green ciqaamado ayaa loo sameenayaa iyaga iyo xaasaskooda.
Shirka: Wafuuda imaaneysa waxaa la siiyay visa-yaal dhamaantood waa la gatay, waxaana lagu kala gatay lacag gaareeysa 30,000 oo dollar middiiba, dadka iibsadayna waxay kala joogaan amaba ka kala imaanayaan Dubai iyo (Somalia, Itoobiya, Jabuuti, Zambia East africa) waxaan visooyinkan loo bixiyay in la siiyo ganacsatada Soomaaliya si aayaha Soomaaliya iyo dib u dhiska dalka ay uga hadlaan looguna xiro shirkadaha waa weeyn ee dalka Sweden. Dhamaan waxa iibinaya visayaasha waa Puntland iyo Somaliland.
Dhinaca kale waxaa jira qorsho kale oo ah ganacsatada imaaneysa shirka waxay gadanayaan guryo laga siinayo lacag dhan $20,000 waxayna qaadanayaan daganaasho abadiyan ah iyaga iyo xaasaskooda iyo caruurtooda , waxayna guryahaas ka gadanayaan waqooyiga fog ee sweden iyo meelo lama dagaan ah balse iyaga waxaa looga soo qaatay lagana soo dhaadhiciyay inay baxshaan lacag gaaraysa $ 300,000 sidaasna ay ku helayaan guryo iyo degnaasho abadiyan ah.
Shirkan waxaa wada qaban qaabadiisa ninka magaciisa la yiraahdo Per Lindgärde kana tisan wasaarada arrimaha dibedda sweden waaxdeeda africa waana safiir iyo la taliye guud, emailkiisana waa
Per Lindgärde ayaa hada laftiisa waxa uu ku jiraa olole uu ku raadinayo guryo uu ka iibiyo ganacsatada imaanaysa shirka si ay u qaataan daganaasho abadiyan ah oo uu isagu iibinayo.
Dhinaca kale shirkan waxaa ka horeeyay shir ka dhacay 09- 10- 11 bishii april 2014 waxuuna ka dhacay magaalada Dubai ee dalka isu taga imaaraadka carabta, shirkaas oo loogu gogol xaarayay shirka 10 jun ka dhacay stockhol sweden waxaan hogaaminaysay shirkaas gabadha lagu magacaabo Cecilia Leideman Bäck oo ah project manager-ka shirkaan weeyn.
Shirkaan 10 jun ka dhacayo stockholm waxaa kasoo qeybgalaysa weriyaha weeyn ee idaacada caalamiga ah BBC Sainab Badawi.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa si hayb sooc ah looga reebay dhamaan shirakadaha iyo ganacsatada waa weeyn ee ka shaqeeya Mudisho iyo gobolada kale ee konfureed.
Waxaa shirkan lagu naas-nuujinayaa oo kaliya qeybo gaar ah oo ka mid ah Somalia, ayada oo xaqiiqdu tahay in horumarka ka jira Muqdisho uu aad uga baaxad weyn yahay qeybaha kale ee Somalia, ayada oo hantida taalla Muqdisho iyo shirkadaha ka jira ay ka qanisan yihiin dhammaan qeybaha kale ee Soomaaliya marka la isku geeyo.
Waa muhiim in dhammaan qeybaha Somalia laga qeyb geliyo shirka sida Puntland iyo Somaliland, laakiin waxaa wax aad loola yaaba ah in shir looga hadlayo fursadaha ganacsi ee Soomaaliya aan lagu casuumin ganacsatada Muqdisho.
Hoos ka akhriso ducumintiyada shirka:
Rev 2. 2014-03-27

Conference on business opportunities in Somalia, 10-11 June
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.50 Opening session
Welcome speech by Ms. Ewa Björling, Minister for Trade (10 min)
Speech by Representative of the Government of Somalia (10 min)
Speech by Representative of the Government of Somaliland (10 min)
Speech by Representative of the Government of Puntland (10 min)
Speech by Representative of the Government of Juba (10 min)
9.50-10.00 Comments/Questions
Presentation on Somali business opportunities
Presentation by Business Sweden (10 min)
Presentation by AFN Consulting (10 min)
10.20-11.00 Refreshment break
Case studies
11.00-11.15 Presentation by Saab (15 min)
11.15-11.30 Presentation by company from Somalia or Somaliland or… (15 min)
11.30-12.00 Panel discussion on successful investments/business environment
Participants: Saab, Somali company and Somalia Chamber of Commerce and Somaliland Chamber of Commerce.
12.00-12.15 Introduction of Breakout sessions
12.15-14.00 Networking lunch
14.00-15.45 Breakout sessions
Group I: ICT/Telecom/Banking & Finance
Group II: Energy (solar/wind/oil & gas)
Group III: Infrastructure/Construction/Transport/Security Health care/Life
Refreshments will be served
16.00-16.30 Plenary session
Key findings/reports from the breakout session
16.30-16.45 Somali business woman – Success story
17.00-17.15 Concluding remarks by …
17.30-19.00 Reception
Draft – Somali business opportunities
A Somali trade and investment conference: Stockholm, Sweden 10 June 2014
Highlighting business opportunities that are emerging across Somalia. The conference will also provide a platform where current constraints to trade and investment can be addressed and the ways to overcome them can be made visible.
Providing a platform for new business-partnerships to evolve that will benefit Somali and Swedish business and ultimately Somali society.
Acknowledging the potential that private and non-public actors have, and the important role they should play, in contributing to prosperity, development, state building and job creation.
The situation in Somalia, which has long been ravaged by war, is more hopeful than for many years. There are now greater chances than for quite some time for Somalia to take the path towards long-term peace and stable state-building. Investor confidence is growing, and new opportunities for business are emerging across Somalia. The Somali diaspora have been key drivers of this development, and will continue to have an important role in supporting economic regeneration. The recent positive developments also provide opportunities for other investors who have not earlier operated in the Somali market.
Somalia’s recovery will require long-term and substantial assistance from the international community. Issues of job creation, economic growth and private sector development will be at the core of Somali recovery, reconstruction and sustainable development.The new Swedish development cooperation strategy for Somalia 2013-2017 concentrates on supporting Somali long-term reconstruction, with focus on human security and subsistence, democracy and human rights, as well as on health and gender equality. The Strategy also focuses on initiatives to promote the diaspora’s opportunities to contribute to Somalia’s reconstruction.
To seize the current opportunities, and to prepare for future engagement, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will host a day-long Somali trade and investment conference on 10 June 2014.
The security environment has generally improved and the political situation is cautiously promising and continuously progressing. These processes provide a window of opportunity to explore a broader engagement with Somali society. Trade, investment and business can present mutually beneficial gains that transcend divisions and unify previously unfamiliar actors. The business community furthermore has a strong interest in strengthening the capacity of the state and contributing to a secure, stable and dynamic society. Job creation will provide opportunities for Somalis who are currently experiencing unemployment and disenfranchisement. Socially responsible business practice would contribute to building and strengthening institutions and is in the best of interest to the entirety of Somali society and its Swedish partners.
Trade, enterprise and innovation are not new phenomena, but rather they form a tradition in the Somali territories. The entrepreneurialism is demonstrated by recent growth in business despite a seriously challenging political and security climate. One testimony to this growth is the telecommunications sector, where a multitude of operators are active and some of the cheapest mobile phone tariffs in the world are present. As the environment is presently changing in the right direction, the business opportunities and progress will increase accordingly.
Interest in Somali business has been voiced by the Somali diaspora in Sweden and by Swedish companies alike. Following similar interest the UK organised a Somali trade and investment conference on 8 May 2013. A similar event was organised in Nairobi later the same month.
There are however constraints that needs to be alleviated, mainly related to security, infrastructure and the limited capacity of legal and government structures. The conference will make it possible to address such issues directly and specifically related to business. It should also be noted that the Swedish government currently advises against all travels to Somalia. Still, the conference can significantly advance the purposes articulated earlier. The Somali business potential will be showcased and future possibilities for trade and investment will be explored and promoted. The conference should be seen as a first step in a process that will be adjusted taking into consideration future developments in Somalia.
The main participants will be the diaspora business community; Swedish companies; representatives from Swedish authorities, The Federal Government of Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland and Juba Interim Administration and people from the business community in Somalia. Participants from a variety of sectors are desirable, both representatives from sectors that are attractive to Swedish industry, as well as representatives from sectors that can provide relevant information about the Somali business climate. The representation of Somali businesswomen is particularly important to highlight the role of women in the emerging Somali economy.
The preliminary schedule for the day will feature a joint session in the morning with keynote speakers addressing Somali development and business opportunities in a general and comprehensive manner. After lunch participants will be able to attend sessions with particular focus on different sectors or themes. To conclude the day the participants will gather together once more to reiterate and share the lessons learned from the day. Despite the array of potentially interesting discussions and presentations time will allocated in the programme for networking and match-making.
Priority sectors for the conference
The event will highlight sectors with particular potential to attract interest and investment. The subsequent sectors constitute some areas with potential and great shared interest between Somali and Swedish participants.
1. Information and communications technology is an already strong business sector that is central to Somali growth and the fulfilment of a service based economy. The promise of the sector is evidenced by strong recent private-sector led growth. The progress is driven by a strong demand for telecom technology and a variety of related innovative services. Mobile solutions are used for money transfers. Money-remittances and informal banking systems are the lifeline for many Somalis. Swedish companies have extensive knowledge, skill and experience in the field and there are great potential for opportunities of investment and exchange between Swedish and Somali business communities.
2. Energy. The oil and gas sector a significant potential but has suffered from problems with investor protection and the security situation. Increasing numbers of international companies are now targeting the industry and there are high hopes to get revenues from the sector. Renewable energy solutions present viable commercial prospects. Wind energy could become a great source of energy on the longest coast-line on the African continent. Somalia is furthermore ideally placed to utilize solar energy.
3. Infrastructure, construction, transport and security. Construction is at high demand after decades of destructive conflict. Indeed, Mogadishu is currently experiencing a construction boom. It is a sector with great shared interest among public and private actors as well as Swedish and Somali business communities. The old ports are being reinvigorated and new ports are being built. The increased trade through the ports will have spill-over effects on the transportation industry with the increase in goods moving through the territories.
4. Health care/Life Science. The stated intention is to move away from the emergency-level health provision that has been the norm in the Somali territories for many years to more mainstream, national health systems. Sweden offers some of the best health care and elderly care in the world. Swedish life science companies are global leaders in their field. There is a great potential for opportunities of investments and exchange between Swedish and Somali

1 comment:

  1. Magacaygu waa Adams Kevin, wakiil ka socda shirkada Adams bixinta amaah amaah laga amaahdo, waxaan
    siinayaa amaah ugu dulsaarka 2%. waxaan ku siin dhan nooc oo kala duwan oo amaah ah. haddii aad u baahan
    tahay amaah hadda nagala soo xiriir email this:
