Monday, April 28, 2014
Wali ma Booqatay Websetkan Cajiibka ah ee Wax ku Qora Luqada Soomaaliga Dad badana soo jiitay
Waxaa Dhamaan Bulsho Weynta Soomaaliyeed ee jecel in ay aqtistaan Wararka ka dhaca Gudaha iyo Dibada ,Dhacdoonka Cajiibka iyo Sheekooyin Xiiso badan , waxaa loogu bishaareenayaa in uu hawada soo galay Webset cajiib oo lagu Magacabo_ ah .
Siyaasadda Websetka ayaa ah qancinta bulshada Soomaaliyeed meel kasto ay joogaan sidii loogu gudbin lahaa wararka xaqiiqda ku saleesan ee ka dhaca Daafaha Dunida , waxaana websetkan ka reeban dacaayad iyo beenTa .
Hadaba hadii aad xiiso u qabto aqrinta hufan ee ku saleesan Xaqiiqda jirta , booqo oo kala Soco , kana dhiga Wehelkaaga rumeed si aad u hesho Warar la tifatiran oo xaqiiqda ku saleesan.
Kala Xraiir Wxaii Faah Faahin Ah
Ciid (Sweden) ,
Biyo Sacabadaadaa looga dhergaa.
Marka hore mahad idilkeed waxaa iska leh Allaah subxaanalaahu watacaalaa, naxariis iyo nabadgelyana Rasuulkeenii ayeey korkiisa ahaatay. Intaas kadib dhammaan akhristayaasha sharafta iska lahoow iga gudooma salaanta islaamka ah asalaamu caleykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaat.
Allaah subxaanalaahu watacaalaa waxa uu aayad quraan ah inoogu sheegay in {haddii xoolaha alle ku siiyay aad ku shukriso in uu Alle xoolaha kuu siyaadinayo, haddii aad ku kufrisana in cadaabka Alle uu yahay mid daran }. Waxaa kaloo meelo baddan oo diinteena ka mid ah naloogu tusaaleeyay in wax bixinta sida kheyrka ku jirta loo bixiyo in ay xooluhu kusii bataan oo ku sii siyaadaan. Ogoow acmaasha wanaagsan waxaa ka mid ah in uu qofku wax ku bixiyo wax danta guud ee ummadda lagu manaafacsado ama loo isticmaalo. Ogoow qof walbaa oo jidka wanaagsan wax ku bixiyaa sida masaajidyada, waddooyinka, ceelasha ama wax walboo ummadda wanaag ugu jiraa qofkaasi wuu ka sumcad iyo ajar badan yahay ummadda kale.
Haddii aan mowduuca usoo daadego waxaan wax baddan arkaa soomaali oo meel ay joogtaba si daran ugu xiran deeq iyo dhaqaale ay ka sugayaan ummado kale. Waxaaad maqleysaa mashruuc fulaan wuxuu ku xiran yahay in la helo deeq ay nasiiyaan qaramada midoobay ama waddamada deeq bixiyayaasha. Mashruucaas waxaa dhici kasrta in la sugayo 10 sano iyo in ka baddan , iyadoo waliba ay dhici karto in uusan ka badneyn qiimihiisa ugu badnaan 2 – 5 Milyan oo dollar. Waxaa kaloo dhici karta in mashruucaas halka loo doonayo ama magaalada loo qoondeeyay in ay ku nool yihiin dad ka baddan dhowr boqol oo kun. Marka waxaan is weydiiyaa war miyaanay dhici Karin in ay magaaladaas ku nool yihiin ugu yaraan dad ka baddan boqol qofood oo bixin kara min boqol kun oo dollar ama ka baddan. Haddii aan yareeyo miyaanay dhici Karin in magaaladaas laga heli karo dad gaaraya illaa 500 oo qofood oo bixin kara min $10.000 oo dollar. Jawaabtu waa haa laakiin waxaan u badinayaa in loo waayey labo arimood midkood: – 1) in aanay jirin kalsooni ka dhaxeysa maamulka iyo ganacsatada magaaladaas. 2) ama in aanay ganacsatadeenu ayan isku kalsooneyn oo ayan aqoon nidaamka looga qeyb qaato horumarka dalkooda. Mashaariicdaas waanba badiyey mararka qaar waxaa ka nixinaya iyadoo la leeyahay hay’ad fulaan ayaa inoo dhistay mashruuc ka yar $50.000 oo dollar. Waxaan is iraahdaa war dadka sheegaya miyaanay isku xishoon. Waa cajiib haddii ay ummaddu niyadda ka dhimato ama ay niyadda ka noqdaan naafo.
Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah ayaan waxaa ka qeyb galay mashruuc mid ka mid ah jaamacadaha magaaladeena lacag loogu ururinayey libarary (Maktabad) la doonayey in laga dhex dhiso jaamacadda oo casri ah,Waxaa lasoo martiqaaday maalqabeentii iyo shirkadihii deganaa magaalada qaarkood. Waxaa lasoo bandhigay lacagta ku baxeysa iyo inta uu soconayo. Waxaa lacagta ballanqaaday illaa iyo labaatan ganacsade. Lacagtii ugu badneyd maktabdda oo dhameyd boqolkiiba 60 inta ku baxeysa maktabadda, ninkii bixiyay ayaa loogu magacdaray maktabadda iyadoo ay ballanta sidaas aheyd. Kuwii kalena magacooda ayaa lagu hor qoray maktabadda oo qof walboo yimaada ama soo booqda maktabadda wuu arkayaa dadkii ka qeybqaatay dhismaha maktabadaas.
Waxaan kaloo goob joog u ahaa muslimiinta ku nool magaalada Leicester shir casho sharafeed ah oo ganacsatadooda waaweyn lagu casumay oo lagu soo bandhigayey masaajid aad u weyn oo magaaldeena laga dhisayey. Masaajidkaa horay ayuu u jiray laakiin waana la ballaarinayey oo waliba nidaam casri ahna waa loo dhisayey. Markii ay dhamatay soo bandhigiddii mashruuca masaajidka oo la sheegay in ay ku baxeyso lacag dhan 3 Milyan oo dollar, ayaa waxaa markiiba kacay nin ka mid ah ganacsatada ugu waaweyn muslimiinta magaaladeena ayaa yiri intaba anigaa bixinaya maashaa’allaah. Laakiin arintii kale ee iga yaabisay waxey aheyd in ay xanaaqeen ganacsatadii kale oo yiri maya waa inaan kawada qeyb qaadanaa. Markii danbe ninkii kaligii waxaa loo ogolaaday in uu bixiyo 1 milyan oo dollar, lacagta intii kalena ganacsatadii kale ayaa qeybsatay. Mashruucaas habeen qura ayaa lagu bixiyay dhaqaalihii ku bixi lahaa Allahu akbar.
Marka aniga shaqsi ahaan waxaan aaminsanahay ganacsatada soomaaliyeed ee waliba ku kala nool magaalooyinkeena waaweyn ee soomaaliya sida Boosaaso, Hargeysa, Muqudisho, Burco, Garoowe, Kismaayo, Baydhabo, Baladweyne, Gaalkacayo ,Boorame, Caabudwaaq iyo Cadaado in ay bixin karaan ama ay sanad walba hirgalin karaan mashaariic fara baddan, laakiin ay u baahan yihiin in niyadda loo dhiso oo kalsooni la tuso. Runtii Soomaaliyeey baryo shisheeye meel kuma gaarsiiso oo waligaa waxaad ku noolaaneysaa bahdilo haddii aad ku xirnaato deeq ay dad kale ku siiyaan. Isku kalsoonoow oo Allaah ayaa deeqda bixiyo , Haddii aad rabto in aad ku noolaato cisi iyo sharafba ogoloow inaad xoolaha Alle ku siiyay aad wax uga qabato dadkaada iyo dalkaaga hooyo.
Waxaan qoraalkeyga ku soo gabagabeynayaa soomaaliyeey murtida soomaaliyeed ee ah {Biyo sacabadaad ayaa looga dhergaa} waa murti qiimo leh oo ina bareysaa inaad isku kalsoonaato oo aad adiga is aaminto. Marna ha is quursan. Kala fiican waddada fulaan waxaa dhisay dad soomaaliyeed iyo waxa lagu dhisay lacag lasoo baryey. Allahayoow dadkeyga tus cududa iyo awooda ay iska leeyihiin. Allahyoow xoolhaeena inoo barkeey. Allahayoow inaga kori baryo aadan.
Wabilaahi Towfiiq
Cabdixakiim Jaamac jooje (Social Development Adviser).
Monday, April 14, 2014
AKHRISO:- Dowladda Federaalka oo Lagu Eedeeyay Musuq Maasuq,Qabyaaladeysi Xadid Hanti Qaran iyo Arrimo Kale.
AKHRISO:- Dowladda Federaalka oo Lagu Eedeeyay Musuq Maasuq,Qabyaaladeysi Xadid Hanti Qaran iyo Arrimo Kale.
Musuq Maasuq iyo wax isdaba marin ayaa ragaadiyay dhammaan hay’adaha DF-ka ee shisheeyaha soomaaliya kusoo duulay ay gacanta ku hayaan.
War saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Urur taageera Dowladda Federaalka ayaa lagu xaqiijiyay in musuq maasuq aan waba reebayn uu daashaday dhammaan wasaaradaha dowladda,madaxtooyada,saraakiisha ciidanka iyo arrimo kale.
“Mushaarka shaqaalaha iyo kan ciidammada oo aan la bixin dhowr bilood, ayaa dhinaca kale la bixiyaa kharashaadka huteellada , safarrada, qalabeynta guryaha iyo xaafiisyada ama la siiyaa dhaqaale kale dad aan wax xil u haynin dowladda.
Kharashaadka siyaasadda waxa laga bixiyaa qasnado dhowr ah sida, tan dhexe ee dowladda, tan deeqaha dibadda, madaxda ayaa jeebkooda ku shubta dhaqaalaha dowladda soo gala,hantida gaarka loo leeyahay iyo deymaha lagu qaado magaca dowladda ama maamullada”.
Ururkan ayaa farta ku goday in shaqaalaha DF-ka lagusoo xulo qabyaaladeysi,wali aqoon iyo xigto balse aan lagusoo xulin aqoon iyo kartid arrinkaasi oo khilaafsan sheegashada Xasan sheekh oo ah in maamulkiisu yahay dowlad dhamaystiran.
“Qaraaba-kiilka ka taagan shaqo bixinta dalku wuxu abuuray isir-sooc iyo sicirbarar ku dhaca tirada shaqaalaha hey’adaha dowladda. Siyaasiyiinta iyo maalqabeennaduba waxay shaqooyinka siiyaan xigtadooda iyo dad ay u xilhayaan, taasoo meel kadhac ku ah maamul wanaagga” ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka.
Sidoo kale maamulka Xassan Sheekh ayaa lagu eedeeyay in heshiisyo mugdi badan kujiro uu lagalay shirkado iyo dowlado shisheeye islamarkaana uu badda soomaaliyeed iyo xarumaha dowladeed ugacan geliyay shirkado halis gelinaya madax banaanida Soomaaliya.
“Qandaraasyada la bixiyo wey tiro beeleen laakiin waxaa laga soo qaadan karaa maraakiibta sharcidarrada uga kalluumeysata badaheenna, maamulka dekadaha, garoomada diyaaradaha, baarista shidaalka, xarumihii wasaaradihii dowladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya, iwm,Maraakiibta sida sharci darrada ah u gurtaan kheyraadka ku jira badaheenna intooda badani waxay sitaan shatiyo ay bixiyeen qaar ka mid ah masuuliyiinta dalka, Miisaaniyadda siyaasadda, shaqabixinta iyo Qandaraasyada, nooc kasta oo ay yihiin laguma bixiyo nidaam iyo hannaan caadyaal ah{transparant} dhaqaalaha kasoo galana waxba looguma qabto ummadda” warsaxaafadeedka.
Warmurtiyeedka ayaa si gaar ah loogu sheegay in maraakiibta shisheeye ee heshiisyada lala galay ay walxo sun ah ku shubaan badda kadibna xaalad caafimaad xumo kasoo gaarto dadka iyo duunyada “Wasakhda sumeysan ee qaar ka tirsan maraakiibtaas ay ku shubaan badaheenna waxay halis ku tahay caafimaadka dadkeenna”.
Hay’ado caalami ah iyo Ururo aan dowlli aheyn ayaa si mideysan Dowladda Xasan Sheekh ugu eedaynaya waxqabad la’aan iyo musuq maasuq balse waxaa xusid in intabadan hay’adaha shisheeye iyo dowladaha duullaanka kusoo qaaday soomaaliya aysan soo hadal qaadin boobka lagu hayo kheyraadka dalka ayna qeyb ka yihiin gumeystayaasha damaca fog ka leh dalka.
Wax La yiraahdo Ciidan Xoog ma dhisna waa Mooryaan la isku Keenay
DHAGEYSO:-Amiin Maxamed ”Wax La yiraahdo Ciidan Xoog ma dhisna waa Mooryaan la isku Keenay”
Xili shalay ay ku beegnayd aas aaskii ciidanka xooga dalka Soomaaliya oo kasoo wareegatay 54 sanno ayaa aqooyahan wuxuu ka hadlay farqigii udhaxeeyay ciidankii Hore iyo kuwa Hadda ushaqeeya Dowladda Xasan Sheekh.
Habka dhaqanka,Tababarka,Wadaniyada ayuu sheegay inay ku kala duwan yihiin Ciidankii hore iyo kuwa Hadda Jira.
Wuxuu Tilmaamay in Ciidanka hadda shaqeeya lagu carbiyo in cadowgooda kaliya yahay shabaab islamarkaana walaalo ay uyihiin ciidamada shisheeyaha deriska nala ah sida Itoobiya iyo Kenya.
Wuxuu sheegay in ciidanka hadda jira Fikir dagaal iyo ra’yi aysan umadax banaaneyn oo aanan ciidan lagu tilmaami karin.
Ciidamadii Hore ayuu sheegay inay tababari jireen saraakiisha Ciidanka Soomaaliya laakin kuwa hadda laga war helo oo kaliya iyagoo diyaarad lago keenay oo wadamo kale lagu soo tababarayo.
Somalia Confedential document -Vision 2016: Framework for Action !
In parallel with the formation of Federal Member States, FGS will take the lead in putting in place inter-regional mechanisms that promote political unity, harmonised legislation, unified standards and coordinated policies and programmes. These include the formation of an Inter-Regional Consultative Forum, pending establishment of the full Inter-State Commission established by the Provisional Constitution, in order to initiate nationwide dialogue on issues such as the distribution of powers and authorities, management of natural resources, and revenue sharing.
This is Bureau for Somalian People's Development
Media Confidential Documents from Somalia Goverment Insiders. You may download the doc as PDF File
Mogadishu, Somalia
February 2014
Vision 2016: Framework for Action2
Review and Implementation of the Provisional Constitution2
Federalism, Boundaries and Resource Sharing2
Democratization, the Electoral Process and Party Politics3
General Framework for Action3
Vision 2016: Draft Roadmap – Key Activities & Outputs6
Calendar of Activities and Outcomes: March 2014 – Dec 201519
Diagram 1: Articulation of Three Goals of Vision 201628
Diagram 2: Constitutional Review Process29
Diagram 3: Formation of Federal Member States30
Vision 2016: Framework for Action
With over one year into its term of office, having made key adjustments in its structure and laid the foundations upon which the restoration of government and administration can proceed, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is assigning greater emphasis to its next major priority: a successful transition to democracy by the completion of its term of office in 2016.
The Provisional Constitution provides overall direction toward fulfilment of these objectives. However, in view of time constraints, the government intends to prioritize those tasks that are most critical to the establishment of national institutions grounded in democratic legitimacy.
The three foundational elements of the government’s strategy are:
- Constitutional review and implementation
- Completion of the federal system
- Democratization
Although these tasks are entrusted to Parliament, based on the recommendations of the relevant independent national commissions established by the Provisional Constitution, the government must exercise leadership in creating an enabling environment for parliament to complete its duties successfully, that it possesses the requisite human and financial resources, and to ensure that it does so in a timely manner. The government believes that successfully achieving the goals of Vision 2016 will require full alignment with the principle of political inclusion clearly articulated in PSG 1 of the "New Deal.”
The Vision 2016 strategy will be infused by a sense of urgency and guided by the following core principles:
- All aspects of the process shall be Somali-owned, inclusive, transparent and consistent with the Provisional Constitution;
- The Government shall promote and protect the independence, integrity, and credibility of the constitutionally mandated Commissions;
- The implementation of Vision 2016 shall be situated in the context of a comprehensive reconciliation process that promotes national cohesion and integration;
- Management of the process shall be anchored in the principles and practices of integrity and good governance.
Review and Implementation of the Provisional Constitution
It is the duty of Somalia’s Government and Parliament to complete the national Constitution, through amendment of certain articles and enactment of legislation identified in Schedule One of the Provisional Constitution.
It is essential that these actions, which are entrusted to the Parliamentary Oversight Committee and the Review and Implementation Commission, be as inclusive as possible, and informed by nationwide consultations. In addition to the representation of existing Federal Member States on the Commission, the views of Interim Regional Authorities, community leaders and civil society should all be heard and taken into account.
Federalism, Boundaries and Resource Sharing
Establishment of a federal system should serve a dual purpose: bringing government closer to the people, while safeguarding Somali unity.
In line with the Provisional Constitution, the establishment and delimitation of Federal Member States shall be a voluntary process based upon considerations of political and economic viability, demographic composition and, as far as possible, respect for existing regional boundaries. This process must be approached with great sensitivity and every effort taken to ensure that it does not engender renewed conflict. The Government therefore intends to ensure that the completion of the federal system is achieved through dialogue and the pursuit of reasonable consensus – not by imposition or coercion.
In parallel with the formation of Federal Member States, FGS will take the lead in putting in place inter-regional mechanisms that promote political unity, harmonised legislation, unified standards and coordinated policies and programmes. These include the formation of an Inter-Regional Consultative Forum, pending establishment of the full Inter-State Commission established by the Provisional Constitution, in order to initiate nationwide dialogue on issues such as the distribution of powers and authorities, management of natural resources, and revenue sharing.
Democratization, the Electoral Process and Party Politics
The establishment of a functional democracy is a complex proposition: the rules and legislation governing the formation of political parties and organisation of elections will require deep consideration, extensive consultation and public awareness. The Government believes that these challenges must be approached in a way that promotes national cohesion, not division; political choices based on issues, rather than identity; and the accountability of leadership to the electorate.
The Provisional Constitution mandates the current parliament to conduct these tasks only at the federal level. It is therefore highly unlikely that the procedures for state and local elections, which must await the formation of Federal Member States and their legislatures, can be completed by 2016. The administration nevertheless fully intends to lay the political and legal foundations for the completion of these tasks under the auspices of the next Somali Federal Government.
The Government also intends to propose contingency measures that would provide for representation from any part of the country that remains to unstable or insecure to participate in national elections in 2016.
General Framework for Action
The fulfilment of Vision 2016 requires dedicated, determined and closely coordinated action on the part of various entities: the Federal Government (specifically the Ministry of Interior & Federalism and the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Parliament, Independent National Commissions, Federal Member States and Interim Regional Authorities, as well – in some cases – other relevant ministries or government agencies. The Government therefore intends to establish an Inter-Institutional Coordination Unit (IICU) to oversee the implementation of Vision 2016. Responsible to both the Executive and the President, the IICU will have the mandate to energize, coordinate and support the Vision 2016 process.
March 2014
Approval of the Vision 2016 program and structure
The IICU’s primary function will be to coordinate and support the actions of the executive, legislature, Independent National Commissions and other relevant actors in order to meet agreed objectives under the three main components of the government’s strategy:
May 2014
Establishment of Independent National Commissions
The Provisional Constitution requires the establishment of nine (9) independent national commissions, of which four are directly related to the Vision 2016 strategy:
The independence, integrity and credibility of these Commissions is paramount if they are to succeed in their tasks. The government aims to have the first three (3) of these established by the end of May 2014. This will require, inter alia:
Aug 2014
Formation of the Inter-Regional Consultative Forum
The Inter-State Commission (ISC) will serve as a principal venue for dialogue and negotiation between the Federal Government and Member States, and is mandated to resolve any administrative, political or jurisdictional disputes.
However, since the ISC will only be established once the Federal Member States have been formed and approved by parliament, the Government, under the leadership of the Ministry of Interior and Federalism, proposes to convene, ad interim, an Inter-Regional Consultative Forum (IRCF), comprising representatives of Member States and Interim Regional Authorities, to initiate national dialogue on key aspects of federalism, including the transparent, effective and equitable management of natural resources and revenues.
April 2014 –Sept 2016
Harmonisation of policies, programmes and institutions
In parallel with the consultations envisaged under the IRCF, the Government will engage in proactive dialogue with FMS and IRAs in order to begin the process of harmonising policies, programmes (e.g. social services) and institutions (e.g. accounting procedures, civil service standards etc.).
May 2014 - Dec 2015
State formation, boundary delimitation and the Inter-State Commission
Given the existence of Puntland and the establishment of the Jubba Interim Administration, which aspires to become an FMS, there remain 7 regions (including south Mudug) yet to conduct mergers. This implies the establishment of 2-3 more FMS.
It is the intention of the Government that Interim Regional Authorities be established for these regions by December 2014, in order to allow the Boundaries and Federation Commission another 6 months (until June 2015) to assess and make recommendations on any areas of contention.
Dec 2015
Establishment of the Upper House of Parliament
Following the official establishment of the FMS, the Government proposes to invite the FMS to nominate representatives to the Upper House of Parliament, pending approval of the electoral law.
June 2015 – March 2016
Review and adoption of the Constitution and Electoral Law
The Parliament tentatively envisages the adoption of the new Constitution by March 2016, which would require a draft text to be ready for public and parliamentary review by June 2015.
Politically, it would be unwise to pass the Electoral Law without the endorsement by the FMS, since they may obstruct or interfere with any subsequent electoral process of which they disapprove. The Government therefore proposes to initiate consultations prior to that date in the context of the IRCF, so that the Law may be passed as soon as possible after the formation of the remaining FMS.
March 2016 – Sept 2016
Referendum and conduct of the electoral process
To take place between these dates.
Vision 2016: Draft Roadmap – Key Activities & Outputs
V 2016 Strategic Goal 1
Creation and launch of V16 & Inter-Institutional Coordination Unit (IICU)
| |||
Key Activities & Outputs
Completion Date
Minister of Justice & Constitutional Affairs and Minister of Interior & Federalism
(V16 Ministers)
President - with Prime Minister
V16 Ministers
President/Prime Minister/Speaker
with support from IP
Participation from both Ministries and other relevant offices
March 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
April 2014
May-Aug 2014
IICU – includes liaison from both Ministries, Speaker’s Office (and possibly Parliamentary Technical Committee), Coordinator from Presidency, Technical staff)
Need for periodic consultations with international community (UNSOM, EC, US, UK etc.) to obtain buy-in. PSG 1 might be appropriate mechanism for taking on the role of Champion and Monitor of V16
Constitutional Review - Strategic Goal 1
Creation and Launch of Independent Constitution Review & Implementation Commission ICRIC & coordination mechanisms with existing Parliamentary Technical Committee
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Key Activities & Outputs
Completion Date
Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs with Speaker
Jointly convened by Minister and Speaker, (with facilitation)
Minister – P/PM
Convened by IICU-Speaker/Minister
(with facilitation) |
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
May 2014
Possible strategy: Name four non-Darod MPs and one Darod Commissioner from Puntland through careful outreach and consultation with Puntland Authorities
Constitutional Review - Strategic Goal 2
Draft set of revisions completed
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Key Activities & Outputs
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Horn Petroleum plans to drill two wells in Puntland by October 2015 after seismic data is recieved
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – Horn Petroleum continues to assess the operating environment in each of the Dharoor Valley and Nugaal Valley exploration areas from logistical, community and security perspectives. These assessments will provide critical information required to plan operations in the Company’s exploration areas.
Efforts are focused on making preparations for a seismic acquisition campaign in the Dharoor Valley area which will include a regional seismic reconnaissance grid in the previously unexplored eastern portion of the basin as well as prospect specific seismic to delineate a drilling candidate in the western portion of the basin where an active petroleum system was confirmed by the drilling of the Shabeel-1 and Shabeel North-1 wells. The Company continues to pursue efforts to drill an exploration well in the Nugaal Valley block and is working with the Puntland government to move this project forward.
Horn President and CEO, David Grellman, commented, “We remain very encouraged by the exploration potential of our Jurassic rift basins in Puntland. We have committed to the next exploration phase in both PSAs and plan to explore both areas to confirm this potential. We are also optimistic that the political progress in Somalia will continue and allow oil and gas exploration in the region to expand.”
Based on the encouragement provided by the Shabeel wells, the Company and its partners entered the next exploration period in both the Dharoor Valley and Nugaal Valley PSAs which carry a commitment to drill one well in each block by October 2015. The current operational plan is to contract a seismic crew to acquire additional data in the Dharoor Valley block and to hold discussions with the Puntland Government regarding advancement of drill ready prospects in the Nugaal Valley block. The focus of the Dharoor Valley block seismic program will be to delineate new structural prospects for the upcoming drilling campaign.
Horn has been in discussions with potential joint venture partners and is actively pursuing new venture opportunities. Somalia is going through an unprecedented period in its history with a real opportunity for all stakeholders to assist in the rebuilding of the country. The first internationally recognized Federal government took power in 2012 following over 20 years of transitional or no government. In Puntland, a new President was voted into power in January 2014 and the transfer took place peacefully. The Company actively engages with a range of governments and organizations, domestic and international, around how Somalia can best develop a stable Federal state including the institutions and systems it needs to properly manage its natural resources.
Horn holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal Valley blocks and is the operator. The other partners in the blocks are Range Resources (20%) and Red Emperor (20%). Africa Oil Corp. holds an approximate 45% equity interest in Horn.
Source: Horn Peroleum
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