Friday, July 26, 2013

Help me, I pray To get through this day. As this day is the master of all days I don’t even ask To have things my way, Your will is okay. Things done in your way Are best suited to stay In the Master Plan, Help me to help In any way that I can [...]

Post-Transition Somalia and the Need for Justice, Reconciliation and Forgiveness:=)

In the process of state decay Somalia has reached a higher level than the conventional failed State. For the past 22 years Somali people went through an unending nightmare where Thousands were murdered, raped, pillaged, impoverished and made refugees or IDPs. Despite The occurrences of all these human rights violations mainly committed and continue to be Committed by Somalis, still no single person has been prosecuted or punished for their past History of violence. On the contrary, these criminals have been rewarded handsomely for their Crimes by giving them the ability to rule over Somalia. Anytime there is peace conference they Were convened in lavish hotels in places like Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti And were given a Blank page to draw the future of the very country they destroyed and continue to destroy. They Were made MPs and ministers only to destroy the institutions they created and once again to Reconvene for another conference that benefits them. In 2012, some effort to identify these Warlords and their crimes against humanity has at least been furnished although at the end they Were allowed to be parliamentarians of the first government to be established on Somali soil Since 1991. 

For over two decades the Somali people were subjected to mistreatment, loss of opportunities And privileges and in some circles it is believed they were subjected to genocide, terrorism and Torture especially among the unarmed communities in the South. Overall, the Somali people lost Their individual liberties including freedom from torture, unjust imprisonment, execution, freedom To speak, write, worship, some political freedoms and socioeconomic Rights including the right to Work, housing, education, medical and food. 

The epicenter of post-transition Somali society and politics is the need for reconciliation to ease Clan tensions and end a culture of impunity. The recently concluded political process that created Parliament and president inside Somalia gives a greater opportunity to correct past wrongs. To That end there is a need to create an environment that fosters peace and prosperity for the Somali people. The first step is to create institutions that deal with past human rights violation and Prevent future ones through forgiveness, reconciliation and education, and eventually towards Equality and retributive justice through strong courts and rule of law. At the onset these Institutions must deal with the past wrongs by utilizing transitional justice models such as Truth And Reconciliation (TRC).

In addition to the correction of past wrongs the institutions must pay attention to issues of justice Such as retributive, restitutive and restorative justice. Additionally there are terms that describe Different aspects of justice such as distributive or economic justice, procedural justice, corrective Justice, social justice and symbolic justice. These categories tend to overlap and each individual may value one type of justice over another at different times and circumstances. The institutions For the post-conflict Somalia have to take this into account in addressing the justice needs of the Population.

The second step is to foster forgiveness after the admission of guilt either through voluntary, TRC Or other mechanisms. According to the former president of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda “Forgiveness is not, of course, a substitute for justice. Forgiveness is a gift, not something we Earn, but to know the reality of forgiveness we must be ready to turn our backs on the things we Have done which required us to seek forgiveness in the first place.” 

The third step is to foster reconciliation where the Somali people as individuals or groups heal their wound and find closure. Reconciliation involves healing and end of conflict depend on a Contrition and forgiveness between aggressor and victims, which fosters a new relationship Based on mutual acceptance and reasonable trust. This process depends on joint analysis of the history of the conflict, recognition of injustices and resulting historic wounds, and acceptance of moral responsibility. 

Finally the leaders and institutions must educate the Somali public in peace-building and the Reversal of the culture violence. The institutions need to utilize the Somali culture in creating a Paradigm shift from violence to peace. Towards that end the Institutions must create continuous Education at different levels and most importantly must train in practical methodologies and Trainings such as mediation, arbitration and facilitation. The Institutions must create centers that Reduce the load of the courts by establishing mediation centers where students gain practicum And provide practical solution. After all, the Somali people can and should live in peace and Harmony and enjoy the natural wealth that Allah has endowed them if and only if each one Recognizes that any harm to his/her brother/sister is harm to him/her. 

Med vänlig hälsning / With best regards! 

/The best thing about arriving at a destination 
is the realization the road does not end there”


Wasiirada cusub iyo qilaafka Xasan & Saacid! 

Waxaa baryahan warbaahinta Soomaalida ay aad wax uga qorayaan isku shaan dheynta golaha wasiirada oo aan horey halkaan diirad idiinkugu soo bandhignay iyadoo shaxda ka socotaa Madaxtooyada ee qaabka wasiirada loo qeybsanayo ay haatan gabo gabo tahay.
Wararka hoose ee Madaxtooyada naga soo gaaraya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Xasan uu yahay shaqsiga sida gaarka ah usoo xulaya wasiirada cusub iyadoo sidoo kale baryahan is faham daro ay ka dhextaagneyd Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisulwasarihiisa waxaana muranku uu salka ku hayay arimaha Jubooyinka oo Ra;iisulwasaare Saacid uu qabo in looga baxay balamihii ahaa in Jubaland maamul uu madaxka yahay Axmed Madoobe uusan socon.
Madaxweynahe Xasan Sheekh ayaa xalay afur iyo casho u sameeyay wafuudii ka socotay Axmed Madoobe oo aan horey halkan diirad idiinkugu soo bandhignay wafdigii gaarka ahaa ee Xamar ku sugnaa, arrintan dhaqdhaqaaqyada ku aadan maamulka Madoobe ayaa waxaa ay sii cakirtay qorshaha uu Madaxweynaha damacsanaa ee xaga dowladda.
Sida ay sheegayaan ilowareedyada halkaasi ku sugan waxaa Ra'iisulwasaare Cabdi Shirdoon Saacid lagu qancin waayay wasiiradii cusbaa ee dhawaantan la filayay, waxaana Ra'iisulwasaraha oo u muuqda mid aan waxbadan oo saameyna ku laheyn qorshaha cusub lagu cadaadinayay baryahan in uu qaato talooyinka loosoo jeedshay ee ah in isku shaan dheyn lagu sameeyo xukumada inta aan la aadin Midowga Yurub.
Shirka Yurub oo haatan laba bilood ka harsan tahay ayaa waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay xafiiska Madaxweynaha ka baqayaan waqti yari xaga Baarlamaanka oo dhawaan waxka yar isbuuc gali doona fasax dheer, taas oo ay adkaan doonto in xiliga shirka Midowga Yurub lagu beego.
Dhinaca kale wakiiladii midowga Yurub ee dhawantan ku wareegayay dalka ayaa maamuladda gobolada ee loo aqoonsan yahay in ay maamul goboleedyo yihiin lagaarsiiyay casuumado ku aadan ka qeyb galka shirkaasi, taas oo wiiqeysa rajadii ay xukumadu ka laheyd in ay iyada uun noqoto codka Soomaaliya ee halkaasi laga dhageysan doono.

Video: Garissa gold as oil is discovered in Mogadashe.