Friday, July 7, 2017

The success criteria by PM Kheyre



.A very constructive and substantive political strategy  by our dear PM Kheyre, coaptated all methods to reach an ultimate solution in Somalia. "It almost four months since he took the office". Kheyre, has made a historical trips in the regional states; established a coherent political and economic strategy to deal with states: "mutual interests and respect".

The success criteria by PM Kheyre:

1. Combating corruption, mismanagemenet,    bribes,embezzlement,etc.

2. eminitaion of injustice by reforming and strengthen the juridical system

3. reconstructing and reform country`s poiltical and economic instititions.

4. The completion of the constitition of the country

5. Reconciling the conflicts among Somalis tribes, clans, etc

6. Rebuilding and reognazing army and security forces.

7.  Enhancing education and Health instititions 

8. Investement in puplic infrastucture.

9.  Preserving religion , social  norms and the civil liberty.

To deliver the success cretiria, we need youd help, feedback and advice. Don`t be hesitate to contact us:  >. LIKE SHARE COMMENT
(Alaa-mahad leh)

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