Sunday, July 24, 2022



Dear *Malaysian* leaders, I want to appreciate your condolence messages to Singaporeans since my death on Sunday, March 22. Having died at the age of *91,* I would not say I died young.

In fact, life expectancy in Singapore, which I led as prime minister for 31 years, is 80 years for men and 85 for women. You may even say I spent an overtime of 11 years. I would say I lived a good life which I devoted to the progress of my country.

I can confidently say that everything I did — including that for which I was heavily criticised for being *“highhanded”* — was for the benefit of my people, not for personal gain. I died a fulfilled man with no regrets whatsoever.

May I briefly tell you the story of Singapore so that you can understand why it is often told with admiration all over the world. We were a small, hopeless Island.

We thought we were so poor it was impossible to survive on our own. We decided to go into a union with other countries to form Malaysia in 1963.

But because of ethnic riots, we were expelled from the union in 1965, and I broke down in tears because I did not see how we were going to survive as a country. It was so bad we had no potable water. We relied on other countries for water to drink!

We had no natural resources. No oil, no gold, no solid minerals, nothing. All we had were human beings — and ports.

Dear *Malaysian* leaders, we did not give up. We decided to pick the pieces of our lives. We resolved to turn our fortune around.

Today, our story has changed completely. So you know, we are no longer a *Third World country.*

We are one of the *four Asian Tigers* — so-called because of our incredible development story.

*Singapore is the only Asian country with the top AAA rating by all credit rating agencies. We are the fourth largest financial centre in the world. We have one of the five busiest ports in the world.*

Manufacturing accounts for around 30% of our GDP. And Singapore has the third highest per capita income in the world.

Permit me some more immodesty. Unlike Malaysia, we don’t have a single drop of crude oil on our land.

But also unlike Malaysia, we are one of the biggest exporters, not importers, of petroleum products.

Our country is in the top three of oil-refining centres in the world, yet we don’t have oil! We have some of the biggest refineries in the world.

Meanwhile, Malaysia, with all the oil you produce, has been importing petrol, diesel, kerosene, engine oil  and other petroleum products for decades!

Let me shock you: *we are the largest oil-rig producers in the world! The World Bank ranks us as the easiest place to do business in the world. I’m blushing, even in death!*

Let me explain how we attained these feats. We are no magicians. We are no angels.

We are human beings like you, dear Malaysian leaders.

The first thing we recognised is that *quality leadership is non-negotiable!*

I understand that ordinary Malaysians get all the blame for Malaysia’s problems under the pretext that if the followers are bad, then leaders will be bad. I disagree.


If the leaders are good, the followers will be good.

The leaders take the critical decisions and show direction. *That is why they are called leaders.*

It is the dog that should be wagging the tail, not the tail wagging the dog.

Don’t blame passengers for bad driving. Countries are transformed by good leadership.

Why does a country need competent and exemplary leaders? Development starts from visioning.

No country develops by accident or co-incidence. Development is planned.

The leader, who must understand the critical issues, puts together a team, shares his vision with them, assigns them responsibilities and leads them from the front.

That is where it starts. It is when you have a vision of society that you will know that *education is key, electricity is key, health is key, infrastructure is non-negotiable.* It is when you have this vision that you know where to direct your energy and resources. You know the kind of people to put in charge of key ministries and agencies.

Furthermore, leaders must *not be obsessed with instant gratification and personal comfort.* That is one of the biggest problems you, Malaysian leaders, have.

*_You are too obsessed with the perks of office that you have forgotten why you were elected in the first instance._*

I understand that aside the presidential jets in town, you are more comfortable with chattered jets. What a waste. I will share a story with you, which you can read in my book, *From Third World to First.*

The story is on *pages 363-364* and it had to do my trip to Ottawa, Canada, for the Commonwealth meeting in 1973.

The Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, arrived in style in his own aircraft.

When I landed, I saw a parked Boeing 707 with “Bangladesh” emblazoned on it. When I left, it was still standing on the same spot, idle for eight days, getting obsolescent without earning anything.

As I left the hotel for the airport, two huge vans were being loaded with packages for the Bangladeshi aircraft. At the conference, Mujibur Rahman had made a pitch for aid to his country.

Any public relations firm would have advised him not to leave his special aircraft standing for eight whole days on the parking apron. You want aid but you are showing opulence to the world.

Presidents of Kenya and Nigeria also arrived in jets. I wondered why they did not set out to impress the world that they were poor and in dire need of assistance.

Our permanent representative at the UN explained that the poorer the country, the bigger the Cadillacs they hired for their leaders.

So I made a virtue of arriving by ordinary commercial aircraft and thus helped preserve Singapore’s Third World status for many years.

However, by the mid-1990s, the World Bank refused to heed our pleas not to reclassify us as a *“High Income Developing Country”* — giving no Brownie points for my frugal travel habits. We lost all the concessions that were given to developing countries.

_*Dear Malaysian leaders, I understand that you are very, very religious.*_

*_The Muslims among you pray five times day, go for hajj so often, fast during Ramadan and mention the name of Allah as punctuation for every word and every sentence. The Christians among you are always speaking in tongues or eating communion, paying fat tithes and heavy offerings and holding prayer sessions at home every morning._*

*_Yet, I am told you loot your state treasury without compassion or compunction, inflate contracts recklessly, operate killer squads, and watch — without conscience — as your citizens struggle without clean water and good hospitals._*

Unfortunately, I died an agnostic. I neither denied nor accepted that there was a God.

Though two of my younger brothers, Freddy Lee and Lee Suan Yew, are members of the Anglican and Methodist churches respectively, I was not a churchgoer. Don’t misunderstand me: I am not saying you should not believe in God.

But I only wonder: how can you say you believe in God and fail so woefully in what the Holy Bible and Holy Qu’ran teach about loving your neighbour, caring for the needy and showing responsibility as a leader? I cannot understand it.

You guys never cease to amaze with how you can conveniently combine religion with greed.

On a final note, I appreciate that you are mourning my death and describing me as great. Thank you very much.

But I want you to know that you too can become great by putting the welfare of your citizens above your personal comfort.

MALAYSIA too can produce a *Lee Kuan Yew.* I go to my grave a happy man. Ask yourself: will you go to yours fulfilled? *Adieu!*


Pls, forward to as many friends as possible. Hoping that it will get to the right places.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tirada iyo magacyada wasiiro goboleedyada ee Baarlamaanka 2022


Tirada iyo magacyada wasiiro goboleedyada ee Baarlamaanka 2022

March 28/3/2022

Muqdisho (Badbado Online)      
    ﷽ ✍Doorashada Baarlamaanka federaalka ee dalka ka socotay ayaa waxaa kusoo baxay illaa hadda ku dhawaad 23 xubnood oo ka tirsan wasiirrada maamul goboleedyada xubnaha ka ah dowladda federaalka ah.

Xubnahaan wasiirada ayaa waxay ka kala tirsan yihiin xukuumadaha dowlad goboleedyada Koonfur Galbeed, Puntland, Jubbaland iyo Galmudug, waxayna si toos ah uga mid noqdeen baarlamaanka federaalka ah labadiisa aqal.
Doorashada dalka oo u muuqatay mid xulasho ah oo ay inta badan iska maamulanayeen madaxda maamulada ayaa waxaa Wasiirada u badan ku darsaday Koonfur Galbeed oo ay kasoo galeen ilaa 11 wasiir, halka Puntland ilaa 6 wasiir ku darsatay, ayada Jubbaland iyo Galamudug ay ku dhawaad 6 wasiir uga biireen baarlamaanka 11-aad.

Hoos ka aqriso dowlad goboleed kasta iyo Wasiirada ugu biiray baarlamaanka;
     [Koonfur Galbeed]
1. Axmed Madoobe: Wasiirka qorsheynta
2. Maxamed Abuukar: Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha
3. Isxaaq Subag: Wasiirka amniga
4. Maxamed Yuusuf: Wasiirka waxbarashada

5. Saalax Shariif: Wasiirka awqaafta
6. Mukhtaar Guuleed: Wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha
7. Maxamed Cali Xasan: Howlaha guud
8. Aweys Xasan: Wasiirka dekadaha
9. Axmed Mashruuc: Wasiirka ganacsiga
10.Cabdiqaadir Barako: Wasiir ku-xigeenka gargaarka

11. Maxamed Aadan: Wasiir ku-xigeenka warfaafinta.
1. Cabdigafaar Xaange: Wasiirka qorsheynta
2. Cabdi Ibraahim Warsame(Qowdhan): Wasiir ku-xigeenka maaliyadda
3. Fardowsa Cismaan Cigaal: Wasiiru-dowlaha shaqada iyo shaqaalaha
4. Cabdullahi Rooble: Wasiir-dowlaha Wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland

5. Zeynab Ismaaciil Tiimbiye: Wasiir ku-xigeenka deegaanka iyo Beeraha Puntland ayaa iyadana noqotay Senator
6. Maxamed Cabdi Cismaan ( Majiino): oo ahaa wasiirka Dekadaha Puntland ayaa noqday Senator
1. Cabaas Cali Ibraahim oo madax ka ah wasaaradda kaluumeysiga iyo kheyraadka
2. Cabdirashiid Jire Qalinle ah wasiiru-dowlaha madaxtooyada

3. Xeri Gaani oo ah wasiiru-dowlaha maaliyadda oo xildhibaan kasoo helay Puntland.
1. Farxaan Cali Maxamuud oo ahaa wasiirka Maaliyadda ayaa noqday Senator
2. Aadan Qoryooley: Wasiirka boostada ayaa kusoo baxay xubin golaha shacabka
3. Siciid Siyaad Shirwac oo ahaa wasiirka deegaanka uu isna noqday Senator

Si kastaba, Doorashada Baarlamaanka ayaa mareysa heer gab-gabo ah, wuxuuna maamulka Koonfur Galbeed uu dhameystiray 77 kursi, Galamudug ayaa isna dhameystiray 45 kursi, halka maamulka Jubbaland uu ilaa iyo hadda soo xulay 35 kursi oo labada aqal ee baarlamaanka federaalka ah, una harsan 16 kursi oo golaha shacabka ah.

  Xigasho:- B. Consultant Bureau

Sunday, March 6, 2022

✍Rise & Grind for the Russian


  ﷽✍Rise & Grind for the Russian

The West has become like a union of Somali candidates at the JAZEERA Hotel.

 Americans praying for Ukraine
 I wonder why he destroyed Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya!
 It is also surprising that they do not fit
  to pray for Palestinian children in Israel hit by missiles.

 Russia is at a crossroads It has long complained that Russia has been dismantled by its own weapons.
 President Butin has come to the forefront of defending his country.

   "Ale Baa Mahad Leh :
Edit:- Abdirashid Eid Osman

Saturday, February 19, 2022

What kind of leadership does Somalia need right now?

       Hogaan nuucee ah ayay xilligan Soomaaliya u baahan tahay?
 Soomaaliya oo barta kaga jirta doorasho waqtigeeda dhaaftay hadana la kala boobayo, waxaa u taalla ka soo doodista nuuca hogaan ee loo dooranayo dalka.
  xildhibaanada oo la filayo in ay soo dhamaato ilaa sadexda todobaad ee na soo aadan waxaa xigi doonta u jaan rogashada doorashada guddoonka labada aqal iyo madaxweynaha Villa Somalia fariisan doona, balse calaamad su’aal weyn waxay ka taagan tahay hogaamiye sifo nuucee ah leh baa dalka xilligan adag calanka u sidi kara?!
Khilaafyo siyaasadeed oo aan dhammaan, quus shacab, dagaallo sokeeye, hey’adaha dowladda oo mar isku milma marna wada shaqeyntoodu hakato, waa caqabadihii soo taagnaa dhowr iyo labaatankii sano ee la soo dhaafay, balse hadda cabsi taa ka weyn ayaa muuqata aminkaan.
Waxay dad badan oo xog ogaal u ah marxaladaha dalka uu soo maray ay tilmaameen in doorashadan jirto halis, taasi oo ah in laga wal walayo hadii madaxweyne loo doorto mucaarad ama muxaafad in qolaba midda kale diiddo oo dalku yeesho dowlad lagu kala qeybsan yahay.

“Waa in laga fekeraa xalka ugu macquulsan oo looga fogaanayo dowlad isla Muqdisho qeyb kamid ah laga diidan yahay, waxaana lagu heli karaa madaxweyne in loo doorto shaqsi aan hadda kamid ahayn mucaaradka iyo muxaafadka is heysta” ayuu yiri Prof Cali Mareer oo ah aqoon yahan UK ku nool.
Waxaa bilihii la soo dhaafay gudaha Soomaaliya iyo dibadda aad u xoogeysanaya aragti ku saabsan in madaxweyne loo doorto shaqsi ka madax banaan dhinacyada siyaasadda isku heysta xilligan, balse hana kara kalsoonida shacabka iyo aqbalaadda mucaarad iyo muxaafad.

“Baarlamaanka waxaa ku soo biiray rag horay isu dagaalsanaa oo ay cuqdad badan u dhaxeysi oona saraakiil u badan, weyna adag tahay in iyagoo qeyb guuleysatay ay qeybta kale aqbalaan” sidaasi waxaa yiri mid kamid ah odayaasha dhaqanka oo ka hadlay xa u helidda xaaladda cakiran ee dalka.
Sidoo kale ururada bulshada rayidka ah qaarkood waxay ku talinayaan in hogaan xilkas ah oo aan qayb ka aheyn iska horimaadyada iyo isqabqabsiga siyaasadeed ee muddo soo jiitamayay ku haboon yahay Soomaaliya in loo doorto si uu dalka uga gudbiyo xilligaan adag oo loo baahan yahay hogaan leh biseyl siyaasadeed iyo aragti fog, dalkana u horseedi kara deganaansho siyaasadeed, amni, cadaalad iyo horumar.
“Waxaan u baahanahay in la doorto shaqsi dal joog ah,xogogaal ah oo fahamsan dhaqanka, degan, qunyarsocod ah oo dad isku wad leh kuna qanci karaan mucaarad iyo muxaafidba” ayuu yiri Maxamed Ciise Caseyr oo ururada dhalinyarada Muqdisho kamid ah.
Deganaanshaha siyaasadda, dibuhabeynta garsoorka iyo sarreynta sharciga, sugidda amniga ,dibuheshiisiinta, horumarinta dhaqaalaha, horumarinta adeegyada bulshada iyo dib u habeynta hey’adaha dowladda waa tiirararka ugu waa weyn ee loo baahi qabo marka laga baaqsado colaad kale oo doorashada ka dhalata, waxaana doodda ugu xoogan ay tahay in qof leh sumcad siyaasadeed kana gadmaya Soomaalida iyo saaxiibada caalamka in diiradda la saaro.
In xilligan hogaanka dalka loo dhiibo musharax ka soo jeeda Muqdisho ayaa sidoo kale lagu taliyay, iyadoo loo sababeeyay kalsoonida uu ka heli karo shacabka caasimadda iyo gobolada Mogadishu ku dhow ku nool oo ah halka colaadaha iyo iyo iska 

What kind of leadership does Somalia need right now?
  With Somalia on the verge of a deadline election and looting, it remains to be seen what kind of leadership to elect for the country.
   The lawmakers are expected to be sworn in in the next three weeks, which will be followed by a run-off election for both houses of parliament and the president of Villa Somalia.  can carry a flag ?!
 Endless political conflicts, civil despair, civil war, and intermittent interruptions of government institutions have been the challenges of the last two decades, but now even greater fears are evident.
 Many observers have pointed out that the election is in jeopardy, and that if the opposition or the Conservatives are elected president, both parties will reject and the country will have a divided government.

 "We have to think about the best way to avoid a government in Mogadishu that is partially opposed, and a president can be elected by someone who is no longer part of the opposition and the Conservatives," said Prof Ali Mareer, a UK scholar.  living.
 In recent months, there has been a growing trend in Somalia and abroad to elect a president who is independent of the current political parties, but who has the confidence of the people and the acceptance of the opposition and the Conservatives.

 "Parliament has been joined by ex-combatants who have a lot of prejudices and a lot of officials, and it is difficult for them to accept one part as they have won," said one traditional elder who spoke on condition of anonymity.  country.
 Some civil society organizations also suggest that a responsible leadership that is not part of the long-running political infighting should be elected in Somalia to move the country through this difficult time of political maturity.  and vision, which can lead to political stability, security, justice and development.
 "We need to elect a person who is a countryman, knowledgeable who understands the culture, who is calm, who is moderate and who can convince both the opposition and the conservatives," said Mohamed Isse Aseyr, a youth activist in Mogadishu.
 Political stability, judicial reform and the rule of law, security, reconciliation, economic development, social services development and institutional reform are the main pillars needed in the aftermath of another post-election conflict.  The focus is on someone with a political reputation who sells to Somalis and international partners.
 At the moment, handing over power to a candidate from Mogadishu is also recommended, given the confidence he has in the people of the capital and the regions around Mogadishu where the conflict and conflict in Somalia has been crippling for 30 years.  past, and still stand.
 In addition, the people of Mogadishu are facing a number of problems, with many roads closed for the past four years, and during some of those four years, rival forces have closed the city.
 The majority of parliamentarians and the number of people who will be elected are facing a solution to the leadership crisis in Somalia.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Who is a politician?

Who is a politician?

 The word "politician" in the old Somali language had the ugly meaning of "traitor" or "sirlow", but its meaning today is its Arabic translation of "a person who influences the common good of many people".  A foreign language politician is not deceitful or secretive but a person who has the gift of intellect to debate or work on public issues.

 It is said that talented politicians are very different from thinkers or politicians and that politicians focus on extending their term in office or raising their rank.

 Politicians are often preoccupied with their position and prestige, while thinkers or philosophers define a theory that is hidden from others and then, when they define it, share that truth with them for the rest of their lives.  The difference between a politician and a thinker proves that a politician does not usually come to life with a vision but to seek a position and a protocol to meet people at the end of his or her life.

 Not everyone gets bored with things or things that he is gifted with and if you see something that the soul does not continue to get tired of it is a task that the person does not do or is not gifted.  What makes a person good or talented can work for a long time without feeling bored and annoying  .

 The person who creates the policy does not get bored with the meetings and discussions.  He is not bored with debates and criticisms of political groups.  He is not bored with speeches and speeches.  He does not get bored of receiving large crowds and being in crowds for a long time.  He is not bored of competing for positions and running for office.  If he succeeds or loses and he does not give up, he looks for another solution.

 If you are a politician and you have that talent, you are less likely to embezzle money and the real politician is not a wealthy businessman, but he feels that he is in control of the people and their wealth together.  It is a lie that politics is rife with lies and slander and the real politician is not a liar who claims things that are not in the interest of his people and are baseless.

 It is not possible for a person to be persuaded by a politician as long as he or she believes or persuades himself or herself and the politician changes, and he or she praises someone today for insulting him or her.  This does not mean that the politician has no words and principles and is in the shadow of both, but that he should change the circumstances in which he has political interests.  Politics also involves setting goals and setting a path for one's political future.

 Finally, politicians themselves are not the same and they do not all have the same characteristics: one is cowardly and the other is brave.  One is eloquent, and the other eloquent.  One is superficial, and the other is superfluous.  One is stingy, and one is generous.  One is quiet, the other is leaking.  One is treacherous, the other is honest.  One is bad language and the other is bad.  One is violent and the other is peaceful.  No matter how different they are, they do not get tired of working on general issues.